The chicken flock continues to grow, with three orphan chicks arriving this month. I think they are bantams. Our black frizzy bantam was broody, so she is looking after them. Two of our young roosters started to crow, so we need to think about their future. We hope their sisters start to lay soon! I think we have 28 in the flock now, mostly young ones - so only 5-7 eggs a day so far.
Some plastic tore off the greenhouse during a storm a couple of weeks ago. It has been replaced with shade cloth now. Everything is flourishing in there, it’s wonderful!
The bushfood of the month is the Atherton Raspberry (Rubus fraxinifolius), which is yummy eaten fresh. I might even make some raspberry jam in January! Speaking of jam, I have a lot of rosellas awaiting processing, so had best get to those as well. I think next month’s bush food will be the Cherry Guavas…
Recognise the Atherton raspberry from many a bush walk. Now where did you get this one from?
gee bel, the garden looks fabulous! Love the look of those raspberries. We have grown them here in the past - a delicious fruit.
blueblue, the rapsberry grows wild on the edges of the rainforest on our block. You can buy it though, from Daley's and similar nurseries.
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