Sunday, 2 March 2008

Seed Savers Meeting

This weekend I attended my first local Seed Savers meeting. There were around 20 people there and it was so lovely to be surrounded by like-minded folk for the afternoon. The meeting opened with general business and planning for the year. Then we went around the circle and introduced ourselves and explained a bit about our place and what we'd been up to in the garden. And next was afternoon tea and sharing items. I took some lemongrass plants and 3 varieties of seeds to share, as we've not been here so long that I was able to take more than that. I was introduced to a huge variety of plants and given a whole lot of seedlings, cuttings, runners and even a couple of little fruit trees! I was so rapt and can't wait to get into the garden when the rain stops. I'm nurturing them all through the constant downpours until then and hope they all survive and flourish. I should have written down the names of the plants I received, to share them here. Instead I know them as 'the lettuce-type vine', 'another perennial spinach-type plant', etc. I am such a non-technical gardener... I will gather the names of the plants I know, though, and update the post soon.

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