Saturday, 18 October 2008

Self-Sufficiency Book Review

My Mum ordered me a great Christmas pressie this year. She took advantage of the pre-release sale, and the book was meant to arrive late November or early December. But it arrived on Friday! The book..?

How can I be prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods? by Isabell Shipard.

"This book covers many practical facets of self-sufficiency and informs readers about survival foods. Isabell shows how we call can be prepared for hard times, no matter what the future may bring."

Isabell's new book continues on from one of hers I already own, How can I use Herbs in my daily life?, which describes in detail a huge variety of herbs, weeds and native plants - how to cultivate (or find) and use them. They are both invaluable guides for me - quite local, well-researched and written by someone who has had decades of experience. I'm fascinated by perennial plants, 'weeds', bushfoods, what pioneers ate and the imported tropical delights of our neighbours...

Thanks Mum!


  1. WOW! What a great surprise!
    Do you think Ishbells books are suitable for where I am? north west NSW.
    thanks Bel,
    Bec xxx

  2. It's published in SE Queensland, Bec, so quite adaptable I think? Some of the plants are certainly tropical, but if you have a shady spot which gets enough water, and is a bit protected from frosts, I think you'd be right. :)
