Sunday, 9 August 2009

A House Cow

We have a horse and a pony, chickens and ducks, guinea pigs and cats. And now we've ordered a house cow. Not just a cow to graze in the paddock, but one to interact with every day, to manage intensely and work with intimately...

She arrives in around ten days. I have a great long list of things to buy and do, changes to make and favours to ask...

She is a Jersey, a few years old and will come with a Jersey heifer calf we hope. We're buying her from a local dairy. Stay tuned!


  1. Fresh raw milk! I am so jealous! Enjoy :)

  2. Oh that is just so exciting. We had a few jersy cows growing up and i dream of having them again. Very lucky...xx

  3. How exciting. I LOVE cows and would love to have one as a pet.


  4. I'm still waiting! We need a foster calf for her because I don't want to milk twice every single day. So we're waiting for the right calf to be born (a Jersey heifer) and also doing more fencing and preparation work in the meantime...
